420 N 5th St #170, Minneapolis, MN 55401


Getting Top Search Engine Placement Is A High ROI Activity

The question is, given how how much effort it takes to rank, why do you even want to rank high on the search engines? I mean, how do you know it’s even worth your time? Consider these stats: 93% of all online experiences begin with a search engine. 70-80% of users ignore the paid ads, focusing on the organic results. 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results. 36% of Internet searchers correlate top natural or organic search rankings to a company’s prominence or importance. The fact remains: Getting a good ranking for your best keywords puts you in front of your customers, where they are looking for you RIGHT NOW. The formula is simple: More Traffic = More Sales.

In a case study by Simple Tree, a increase in search position #2 to #1 on Google increased search traffic on a solar energy website by 11%. One thing is for sure when it comes SEO, the higher you rank, the more search traffic you get.

seo ranking report


“How to Avoid Some Common Search Engine Optimization Myths Hurting Your Ranking. If You Believe Them” Even with all the information out there, a number of dangerous SEO myths are still being accepted as truth. Let’s set the record straight and get them out of the way, so that you can focus on discovering what really works to drive traffic to your site – for the long term.

Myth 1: You Can Guarantee A Top Ranking On Google (A Specific Position, By A Specific Date)

Fact: Google is always changing. Anyone who guarantees you a specific position on Google by a certain time, is doing something that’s not on the up and up… and not sustainable. When you work with a provider who is guaranteeing something like this, or you find a “magic bullet” software that gets you to number one on Google – be very wary. Typically something is happening that puts you at risk of being banned (or penalized) by Google. In other cases, when someone guarantees a top ranking on Google, these people are targeting a keyword or key phrase that nobody is searching for – so of course it’s easy to rank for it. Those aren’t where your customers are looking for you. Further, even Google themselves say: No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google. We’ll go into that in greater detail in a little bit. If anyone guarantees you a number 1 ranking on Google by a certain date, run for the hills, it’s a myth, but by getting help from a SEO company in Minneapolis will make things much easier.

Myth 2: You Can Get Sustainable Traffic For Free, Or For An Unbelievably Low Price

Fact: There is no such thing free traffic. An important rule of the game, or unfortunate truth: You pay for traffic one way or another. Even if you create the content yourself, there’s opportunity cost. Or, if you hire it out, there’s the investment of resources. Whether it is time, effort, resources, or all three… traffic takes commitment of resources. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Consider if you did everything yourself – you still have to produce ideas and content. You’re worth something per hour, your time is worth something. You still have to produce the content or the videos, or the slideshow, or the audios. And then there’s the opportunity cost of what you could have been doing with that time, those resources. There is no free traffic. When somebody says they can get you free traffic, push button traffic, or traffic for an unbelievably low price, there’s a hidden cost to that. Typically, the traffic is either poor quality traffic (not a good fit for you and your market) or it’s being driven by gaming the system (putting you at risk of being banned). Neither is helpful when growing your business or getting qualified leads. There’s an important reason why you can’t get sustainable traffic for free or for super cheap any more. The game has changed…

Myth 3: You Can Get To The Top Of Google Quickly And Stay There Using Outdated (Or Even “Black Hat”) Tactics And Methods There was a time when you could use “black hat” methods to aggressively rank your website on the search engines… They don’t work anymore. Here are a few to avoid: Keyword stuffing (this has been banned for a decade or more). Back link stuffing (this was banned with Google’s Penguin update – and if you have a history of major back link campaigns, you need to get it cleaned up if you hope to rank well ever again. I’ll tell you more about that later on in this report…). Another old trick was linking back to your SEO services in Minneapolis or web designer.

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