PBN Creation Case Study
The easiest way to create a quality PBN (Private Blog Network)
There is alot of ways to craete a PBN wesite, but the easiest is to re-create a expired domain with good
metrics that is relevent to your niche. Photography expired domains are a perfect option because many
times link injection for your niche can be as simple as posting a photo about your niche and adding a few
relevent topics.
For this case study we will be re-creating a photography website using a expired photography domain.
Using the wayback machine I can scrape and download all the content very quickly for this domain as just
about all the content has been archived at archive.org. I can use the Blackhat Community Wayback Exporter
that rips all content fromarchive.org to instantly download the zip file for the entire website. I can upload
the files to cpanel for a instant clone of the original website. Because I would rather work with a wordpress
website Im going to manaully re-create this website using the original content. This domain is perfect for a
PBN because it is aged 8 years, has high trust flow, and a clean link profile.
After I have registered the domian and wordpress is installed on a new host, I choose a good looking photography
theme from the wordpress directory. Now all I have to do is build out the website using the scraped content of the
original website from archive.org. Most of the content is not changed, but I do optimize the meta date and file names
with keywords relevent to my niche.
As you can see above the re-created website is simple yet atractive enough to pass as a legitament website. I also
set up some social profile accounts on Google, Facebook, and Twitter. The social profiles helps the website gain
trust and legitimacy.
Matching the topic of the PBN with my niche.
Because the niche of my money site I’m building PBN’s for is “photography tips”, I need to post articles specific to
photography tips. I use Scrape Box to scrape relevent articles then spin the articles with the built in article spinner
so that it passes as unique content. I post 10 articles about “photography tips” on my newly created photography
website to make it highly targeted to my keywords. This will often times rank the PBN website for my targteted
keywords by hijacking the already established authority of the domain.
Published September 23, 2013 by Jesse Lee