Tip #1. Start with keyword research. Most people quit SEO because they start in the wrong path. They choose a keyword research method taught by a guru and assume that it’ll work. Keyword research is a little bit tricky and can sometimes be a trial and error thing. You have to understand that not all of your keywords will be ranking in Google.
That’s just how it is. With that being said, I would like you to try the best keyword research method I know. I’ve been doing it for years and it seems to be working over and over again. I call my keyword research method, the BUYER KEYWORD METHOD. Now, I will assume that you are an affiliate marketer. But if you aren’t one, maybe you’re a local business owner, consultant etc. Then I want you to follow this advice especially if you are new to SEO.
I want you to focus on broad long keywords. It’s the easiest to rank and many SEO doesn’t really mess with these keywords. Buyer keywords are those keywords with BUYER INTENT to them. Example of NON buyer keywords: What is acne, What causes acne Example of buyer keywords: Acne cream 7000 review Buy acne cream 7000 amazon Do you see the difference? If you want to make more money, then focus on BUYER KEYWORDS. Theory – > Action Go to Google keyword planner and sign in. It’s free as long as you have a gmail account. You will see lots of buyer keyword ready for you to use. You will find hundreds or thousands of keywords by using this method. Most of these keywords have low competition and are super easy to rank for. Find target keywords and just repeat the process to start making money
Tip # 2 – On Page is Important Most people underestimate the power of On page seo. What they don’t realize is that ON PAGE SEO alone can rank you on non-competitive keywords. Sometimes, you don’t even have to do any backlinking. Here’s the best practices to follow when it comes to on page seo like this one from seo minneapolis. Meta tags Use h1 , h2 tags for your main keywords If you are trying to rank for “Best Dandruff solution” Put an h1 or h2 into it. It basically lets Google know that your site is about that term. < h1 > Best dandruff solution </ h1 > Then add an h2 tag to another broad term keyword < h2 > Best dandruff solution for men </ h2 >
Do not put more than 2 meta tags in 1 post. Keyword Density Don’t overstuff your post with your main keywords. Your keyword should only consist 1% of the overall word count. URL Don’t over optimized with your url. If you already have your keyword in your URL, then don’t put it again on the extension. Don’t repeat your keyword twice in the url, especially if you already have it in your title.
Tip # 3 – Better Safe Than Sorry – Backlinking That Works Most SEO’s get burned when they try to aggressively build backlinks. My method is little bit on the safe side but not too cautious The Method: Post unique content on your website 500- 1000 words. Easy and simple. And the best part is there are SEO services and seo companies in Mineapolis / St. Paul that are designed to help you along the way.
Tip # 4 – When to use backlinking software Backlink software used to be really famous back in the days. Today, not so much, but that doesn’t mean you should stop using them. Today, the best use for a backlinking software is through building MASS BRAND links.